I Have Rights
I have the right to tell you how I feel
I have the right to tell you and others why I feel like I do
I have the right to tell you where I hurt physically and the affects it has on me.
I have the right to make you aware of my feelings
I have the right to tell you what you did to me.
I have the right to tell you who have hurt me
I have the right to say where it happened
I have the right to stand up for myself in any way shape or form within the legal system and if it means I am to help another, then so be it.
I have the right to tell you just how much I hurt, whether it is physical or emotional from YOUR actions towards me and maybe others you have chosen to hurt.
I have the right to tell you why I hurt.
I have the right to prove my innocence by showing/displaying my proof to who ever chooses to read this, that I am speaking the truth of what I have said or done.
I have the right to the benefit of the doubt.
I have the right to help others by making them aware or to be careful.
I have the right to release my feelings
I have the right to speak the truth
I have the right to NOT suppress anymore.
I have the right to respect, truth, kindness, loyalty,
I will add more to this soon.
The Red Back Spider and the Humble Garden Lizard.
The Red Back Spider and the Humble Garden Lizard.
Friday, 21 December 2012 8:38 AM
I have been meaning to write this story for a few weeks now, but beca...
12 years ago