4th September 2007
Today my son went to the doctors to have his dressing changed that is on his hip from a bone graft operation he had from the recent operation he had on his right foot.
His girlfriend went with him to the doctors as he needs help because he is on crutches and is unable to manage on his own without some help..
Well he came home from the doctors and he said mum I need to talk to you, so I go in his room to hear what he has to say and he tells me that his girlfriend is pregnant and that he will be moving out from his home here in early 2008.
They haven’t decided as yet whether they are keeping the baby as his girlfriend is 17 years of age and he is 19 years old.
I know that when he does move out I won’t be on the internet anymore and I won’t have a computer, so I will have to finish all the websites I started, not that the people I made them for actually use them.
I also taught myself another thing today to do with working with sounds and mixing.
Anyways I don’t have much to say.
Until next time I write some more words.
Take Care.
Heart Of Hush
The Red Back Spider and the Humble Garden Lizard.
The Red Back Spider and the Humble Garden Lizard.
Friday, 21 December 2012 8:38 AM
I have been meaning to write this story for a few weeks now, but beca...
12 years ago