Saturday, 16 June 2007

Memory Keepsakes

I am here writing to you all to explain about the Memory Keepsake Frames.
I will be telling you the following
How these memory keepsake frames came about
One night in 2004 I had a dream/vision/inspiration/message you named it as you choose to,
In my dream I was to create online concerts which I have achieved, you can read how that came about later.
In my dream I saw what I had to do after any of the artists that did a concert with me and that was to give all these people what I have labeled as my Memory Keepsake Frames.
In my dream I was guided to the design of the paper to which I had purchased, then the wording that I had to print on the specialty paper, then to the purchased photo/certificate frames they had to be special as best I could find, even the style in some cases, I was lucky enough to find some really classy style frames for this special gift I was to give to all the artists, I even found hearts and stars that I could add as a special effect.
After my dream I did tell someone about it, her name is Crazyfeet40, I could only tell her bits and pieces because you see Crazyfeet40 was getting one too.
So I went out to the shops to look for this special paper I was to use, I searched high and low until I finally came to a shop that had the perfect style paper, the paper had a music type boarder with music notes, there was 2 colours to choose from, however I bought both of them, so I was able to have one colour for females and the other colour for the males.
They were just perfect, and then I went about buying some hearts and stars to add to the effect.
Next thing I had to do was search for some special frames, they had to be just right and if they wasn’t I was going to make sure they was.
I looked for black certificate photo frames, with gold trim if it was possible and yes in some cases it was possible.
Next I sat down and typed out the wording and set out for the printing, I didn’t have a personal home printer so I had to find a printing business that would print these for me.
The printing business was very kind, the owner let me drop off the special paper and my disk with the designs for each and every person that was to get these Memory Keepsake Frames and he then printed them and delivered them to my home.
I was very grateful and excited that everything was going to plan so to speak.
Then I put all these memory keepsake frames together for just about every single artist with the exception of a couple.
When did I give these memory keepsakes frames?
I gave these Memory Keepsake Frames after the artists had performed in there concert.
I would then send them there Memory Keepsake Frame.
I bet your wondering how I sent them the frame, how I got there personal home address.
Read on
You see I did this by asking the artist in question if they would give me a snail mail address for them, a postal address for there home as I wanted to send them a surprise, they had no idea what I was sending them and yes they gave me there address for me to send them there surprise package.
I did mention to them if they was uncertain or they felt they shouldn’t trust me that I truly do understand and I accept there decision.
However they gave me there address.
On one occasion an artist was very private but I never let that beat me, you see we had a mutual friend and that friend had her address so what I did was send it to the mutual friend and then that friend sent the Memory Keepsake Frame to her on my behalf.
I remember going to my post office to find out how much it will cost to send each frame and the costing of the padded bag to send the frames in, then to organize posting of some of the frames for example and one of the customers saw the frames and made the comment they looked great and that it was a great idea I had.
So I would pack them and then send them on there way, then I had to wait and hope the artists I had sent the frames too would soon receive there Memory Keepsake Frame.
They did, you see, when I had sent them, I would send the artist in question a text message and let them know to watch for a parcel and if they would let me know when it arrived so I knew they had received the memory keepsake frame.
After I had put the frames together, packed them in the hope they didn’t break, sent them on there way from the post office, I got these cold chills type feelings, I have learn that they mean it was a confirmation that I did what I had to do and it was just right.
Why did I give these memory keepsake frames?

I gave the Memory Keepsake Frames because of my dream I was sort of messaged to do this for certain people is all I know, some how I knew who was the bad feeds and yes sometimes I made mistakes, hey I am human but most of the artists that I gave the frames to are all good feeds.
What I was to achieve by giving these Memory Keepsake Frames
There happiness, there smiles, a sense of achievement for them, the joy it gave them from what I did for them, I was hoping they would get the feeling of be proud and honored, what I was able to give to them and most of all, I was not expecting anything in return I am hoping the gift touched there heart and soul as I was to give it to them.

I was given the ability to be able to do this and yet again I have successfully achieved doing what has been asked of me. The end result that came from the artists speaks loud and proud.

Behind the frame

This came within my dream as well, you see I wrote all the artists a special personal message from me and yes on some special paper. My message to them was from within my heart and soul, I am wondering if any of them actually found it apart from Treespike and Ozzie_99_au, told me he found my true heart behind the frame.
Who received these Memory Keepsake Frames?

Here is the list of every artist I posted the Memory Keepsake Frame too

I do have a few more frames to send and then they will all be completed.


Kass, K A T H Y




Standing Wolf

Denise Reins = Bad Feed








Ocean_Eyes = (dragons_swan_spirit)

Heart Of Angell1 = (Voiceee Of Angelll)


Rose In Full Bloom





CajunCrawfish_N_ColdBeer… be posted


Willie8532…to be posted
I would have liked to have sent frames to the following people but I knew they was very private people from our previous conversations and they may not have given me an address to send them there frame


Steven Patrick

I would have liked to have sent frames to the following people but they are very private people and they did not want to give me an address to send them there frame.


If any of the following people wish to have there Memory Keepsake they can print them for themselves and of course frame it if you wish


Steven Patrick





Gina Loves Guitars



Jasmine/Wife to TEAM MX
So you see, every artist that did a concert with me, they all received this Memory Keepsake Frame from me for doing the concert in my room named Heart Of Hush’s Entertainment X*T*R*A*V*A*G*A*N*Z*A (now known as)

Heart Of Hush and Her Featured Performers InConcert
And they didn’t have to compete to receive this Memory Keepsake Frame, I just asked them if they would do a concert in my room and they said yes. They had no idea I was going to send this Memory Keepsake Frame to them. Surprise is the best way to give somebody something special from the heart. Because some artists turned out to be of a bad feed they did not receive the frame from me personally however they have the opportunity to print it out if they wish. I am wondering if the artists found my extra surprise.

This is what a Good & Bad Feed is

One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people.

He said, "My son, the battle is between 2 "wolves" inside us all.

One is Evil. BAD FEED

It is Anger, Envy, Jealousy, Sorrow, Regret, Greed, Arrogance, Self-Pity, Guilt, Resentment, Inferiority, Lies, False Pride, Superiority, Addictions, All Forms of Abuse, Bullying and Ego.
The other is Good. GOOD FEED

It is Joy, Peace, Love, Hope, Serenity, Humility, Kindness, Benevolence, Empathy, Generosity, Truth, Loyalty ,Respect, Compassion, Honorable, Good Deeds, Act Of Kindness , Pay It Forward and Faith."
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather:

"Which wolf wins?"
The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."

If people are of bad feeds i want nothing to do with them...regardless if they hurt me or not, The point is I know they can do it and are able to do it to someone else and it also means they are capable of doing it to me. DO NOT REPRODUCE MY WORDS IN ANY SHAPE OR FORM, THIS IS MY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND “MY COPYRIGHTS”, ALL THE ABOVE WRITINGS ARE MY WORDS EXCEPT WHERE NOTED THAT I CREATED TODAY BEING WEDNESDAY 05/30/07 20:26:53

©Copyright 2007 Mrs. L Peters aka Heart Of Hush All Rights Reserved