I am just here writing away again as all this needs to be said.
I guess the websites I had visited helped me write more.
I will add the links of the websites that I had visited for you all to read.
Maybe they will open your eyes and your heart.
How can I prove to people that I am real, that I do care for all the things that I have done since I was a little girl,
How can I show them that I do truly care and what I have done in the past I meant everything that was sent from my heart and soul.
How can I justify my actions of being kind to others?
When I have done good things all I ever get is bad people from Paltalk trashing me out and making all the good that I did into a bad thing.
When I have stood up for someone else to the abusers and bullies online, Paltalk people looked down on me, frowned upon me as I shouldn’t do that, I don’t get it, why can’t you help someone feel safe and protected and above all show that you care.
Giving a helping hand is one of the best things you can do for anyone.
Try it sometime, you may just feel it.
When are you people going to find the courage or guts to say to that bad person to stop there actions and please don’t say oh but its none of my business and oh more drama
For heaven sake get with it, stop saying all that crap and start helping people
Would you stand there and let someone hurt your friend in the street, hey it doesn’t even have to be a friend, maybe it’s a family relative, so take the label off would you help just a passer by.
Your answer could be yes I would help them and if that is so why is it so darn hard for people on Paltalk to help.
I bet your saying but there my friends etc well helloooo good people don’t abuse or bully and that’s a fact and if you support there actions that shows others just the type of person you really are and what you really do support
Bullying and Abuse
Associating with Bullies and Abusers shows that you approve of there actions.
Shows your morale standards, your way of living and what you are willing to live with, regardless who it hurts.
Someday you people will find the courage or guts to say to those people your behaviour is not acceptable and I do not wish to associate with your kind, you know what, just maybe you can make a difference in your life and hey even maybe there life and guess what that is your act of kindness coming out of you, Go Figure.
However if they choose not to change there evil, bad ways, do you really want to be connected to them.
That’s like saying you approve of there actions.
Why is it so hard to help someone that needs support sometimes?
Why is it so hard for others to believe?
Why do I have to prove myself and why do I have to justify everything I do every time I do it
Why cant people believe that there is someone on Paltalk that really does care
Why is it so hard for people on Paltalk to trust just one person?
Why is ok for others to do the exact same things I have done on Paltalk and its ok for them but its not ok for me to do it.
Why are people so jealous of good people?
Why do the bad people have to hurt the good people?
I do have a suggestion, try listening to the weather changes that is occurring all around the world, I do believe someone is trying to get your attention however no one is listening.
Do you remember one of the ghost busters movies and in it the ghostbusters got the statue of liberty in the hope to spread the word of love and goodness into the world to fight away the bad evil stuff that was happening in the world to help and save the people.
Maybe you need to re watch that movie and think about your actions to others.
If people keep following the bad or evil things in this world I am sure there is going to be some more serious changes.
Oh btw I was sent some DVD’s from Crazyfeet40, in my package of DVD’s she had sent me
The green mile, Pay it forward, and touched by angel x 2 sets.
She sent them to me because she said they reminded her of me and what I did without knowing.
Can I suggest to you all to take the time out of your busy schedules to stop and sit down and watch some of the above
They sure are an eye opener
I am the person you see, I do care, and I have actually been told I care too much
If you really open your eyes you will see that all of my actions are real and from the heart, there not fake
I realized the following text this morning
I guess MY messenger is helping me once again with thoughts.
You know something, from the television shows that I have watched in the past especially the biblical ones, I had seen god roaming the countryside offering his hand and doing things from his heart with the love that he had for anyone and everyone.
And yes he was bad mouthed and punished for doing good things,
Why is it so hard for all of you Paltalk users/people to believe in me
I guess you don’t really believe in god and what he did for others
How come it is so hard for you to believe that all I have done was for good intentions and not bad ones and yet just like god I am being tortured and trashed by the bad ones?
No wonder he made up the Ten Commandments
Now I understand more as why he did
There are so many people breaking the laws of god and yes even the legal system we run by in this day and age
You know something even though I was recently trashed and dogged for doing something good for someone I still had it my heart to keep trying and going forward, Just like god did so I have come to realize, I had it in my mind to keep going I guess just like god did
And funny enough someone said this to me a few weeks back, that even though I was having such a hard time with a situation I was sitting here helping that person with some pain they was dealing with.
So yes I will keep to my ways of stretching out my hand as an offering to others and yes I get down and out over the bad ones but eventually I will pick up and keep going.
You people can think in your head oh she is on a glory run as I have been previously accused of and yes you can say or think she is blowing her trumpet as yes I have been accused of that too
But you know something that is YOUR evil words coming out of your mouth and you know what your evil bad ways don’t count.
It is what I have successfully achieved in this world and trust me I have achieved a lot and I will be proudly writing about all of it , and I don’t care if you bad people don’t like it or get jealous, its really easy , try being good for once you may just like it and get a real shock about yourself.
I have many thoughts and I have this wish, that people all over the world start being kinder, believe in good people, hey and above all listen to your gut instincts, but in general you need to LISTEN and be AWARE.
All I am asking of you all is to step back, watch, be aware, and listen, but also feel it.
And act upon your instincts, you may be surprised of what you see and hear.
I wish that people would stop telling darn lies about me and anyone else they are lying about.
I wish that people would stop being so cruel in there actions and there words.
I wish people would find the damn courage to speak up and say what your aware of it just may save someone someday.
I wish that people didn’t make doing a good thing such a bad thing
I wish for love, friendship, kindness, faith, hope,
I wish that all the bad feeds that have hurt me, inflicted pain onto me and others like me would ask for help to stop there evil ways.
All you bad feeds that have hurt me, I know that you will be punished in someway, someday.
I learnt from my friends the saying, what goes around comes around 10 times fold.
I have also learnt they WILL be punished, it may not be to them personally however it could be one of there friends, there family so to all you bad feeds watch out and see if someone you know or close will get punished for YOUR actions, I believe it is called Karma.
Oh would you like to know who the bad feeds are in my life,
Just be aware and remember what I said up there.
Denise Reins, (Denise’s Lynch Mob are as follows)
Rampant Lion 1, 1Cowboy4U, la_femm_nikita, blues_man11,Travis1961, ATL Steve,
JustinElias80, Daddys_Bwaaat, Cassy, Dolphin Chic, Hiya Its Chris, Charndon
Summer Thunder
I will be writing about every single one of the above and there abusive and bullying actions.
You know something, for some reason I went and done some research on websites pertaining to bullying, abuse and I also came across bullying in the work place.
Funny enough I learnt quite a lot there as everything I have been doing for myself and others for many years was sitting there right in front of my face as I read and read.I guess I needed to remind myself and god sent me there to read once again.
I smiled to know that unknowingly I was doing the right thing for everyone concerned and I was glad I did.
However on the sites it said, don’t keep the actions of the bullies or abusers a secret, you need to tell someone and to get help, well gee seems I am doing just that right now.
I wont be keeping things quiet of who has inflicted pain to me.
The sites made me more aware that I have rights just as everyone else does, the sites made me more aware not to let the bullies and abusers get away with there actions.
Hey the sites also told me why they do it
And you know something they (the bullies & abusers) have no right to hurt any of us because of there insecurities, there bad feed and evil ways.
I have the right to ban these people from my life, my room on Paltalk to make me and others feel safe.
You know something it is your choice to be a bad person in your life, however keep it away from all of us.
You know something else, I don’t log into the chatroom everyday and visit like I use too many years ago.
So how is it that the chatroom users accuse me of being on a glory run, wow you have to be on the chatroom program to get your glory, now don’t you.
And the term used Blowing your trumpet, you chatroom users have no idea just exactly what I have in fact done and that doesn’t mean on the chatroom program either, I have done achieved things from behind the scenes so to speak.
I am going to keep helping the world as has been asked of me.
Instead of going against me why not try helping me make this world a better place.
Maybe some of us good people can make a difference on this chat room program.
I had been told many years ago that to be on the chat room program you have to think of it as living on the streets so to speak, it is all fantasy, not real, full of liars and players etc and that it is like a game.
I for one do not live on the streets, I am real just as many others, so maybe its time all you GOOD people took a stand and stand up for your place on the chat room program and make it real and full of fake people.
Why do you think so many good people have left the program, they are just tired of all the lies and deceit.
Please don’t listen to the lies of others, if you want to get to know me ask me
Watch what I do if you need to, I don’t mind.
Please don’t judge me by someone else’s words, that’s all I ask
Anyways I have said enough, you get the idea though
Have a happy life, Happy Reading,
God Bless you all
Lu aka Heart_Of_Hush
©Copyright 2007 Mrs. L Peters aka Heart Of Hush All Rights Reserved
The Red Back Spider and the Humble Garden Lizard.
The Red Back Spider and the Humble Garden Lizard.
Friday, 21 December 2012 8:38 AM
I have been meaning to write this story for a few weeks now, but beca...
12 years ago