Sunday, 11 November 2007

What have I been up to lately?

What have I been up to lately?

Well let’s see, I have been giving seeds away, let me explain.
You see I have been growing some flowers for some years now but I never knew what they were called. Well I do now, as I asked around to find out, you see I took some pictures of the flowers I have in my garden and some really nice people told me what they were.
They are called 4 o’clock flowers.and or Mirabilis Jalapa.

Well I was happy to now know what these flowers were, so I went searching the internet to find out more about these f lowers that I have growing in my garden.
There growing requirements etc.
Well what did I find in my search, let me show you
Please take a look at the enclosed link
Well my wonderful flowers that I have been growing for years just so happens to be the symbol of hope for cancer patients.
I was so happy to know that I have been growing these for many years now and I understood as to why I liked them so much.
If you want any of these flowers you can get the seeds from this link if your USA overseas based

For Australian purchase you can buy them from this link
or google the flower name and you will find other ways of getting the seeds.

Well anyways I had been posting for free these seeds out that I had to many people as they too liked the flowers as well.
In between doing that I had a mini stroke aka TIA and body shutdown from the menieres disease cause by certain triggers that was inflicted on me by the bans list.

I have been, I think, helping eagleswindcry to get his troops show up and running again, he (eagleswindcry) got his station working now, I think he got it going yesterday being around the 10th November 2007.

I was re doing his Daytona Radio station website, and then he needed the listen player to be added to his station webpage’s so that people can listen to his station when they visited his website, so I asked a friend bob radio station if he could help eagleswindcry and bob said yes and made the player for eagleswindcry station website.

In doing that for eagleswindcry, eagleswindcry was so appreciative and thankful of bob radio station helping him, eagleswindcry offered to bob radio station to also broadcast the troop’s concert, which is now being advertised on the corresponding web pages.

I wont be doing anything to do with the troops show/concert this year as I don’t want the troops show to be boycotted by the bad feeds and their friends like what they did to the pay it forward room that I had put together.
So now everyone can listen to Daytona Radio Station from the following links.

When I was talking to Bob Radio Station,
he told me about a new site he was running, please see enclosed link

Quoted from his website
Running your own radio station could never be easier. We have created several different types of packages available for you to choose from. These range from the beginners to the more advanced DJ's. As you’re broadcasting demand increases you can upgrade at any time. All of our servers have an up time of 98%
Check out the pricing webpage link below, be aware the prices are Per Month

Currency Converter

So if you want your own radio station,
Why not contact bob and see if he can help you have your own station.

Take care everyone and god bless
Heart Of Hush