Friday, 6 July 2007

Support Our Troops

Good morning all,
Its 7-36am on the 6th July 2007
I am here writing again from a message that was given to me this morning.
The message or bringing awareness is in reference to the troops.
You see I/We Paltalk users had just finished doing another concert for the troops.
It is really important that that you understand why they are overseas.
This is from the way I see it and feel it inside my soul and also from my messenger who helps me.

All the troops from ALL over the world are fighting and not to mention dying for ALL of US not just some countries or not some of US, but ALL of US.
If you think differently then how about you go overseas, swap places with a trooper then tell US just how good you had it.
Let me explain something else, most of the troops signed up to learn a trade for a qualification in the work force, and yes they signed up to keep ALL of US safe from harm, which there doing a damn good job of it too I might add.

It is NOT the troop’s fault that we have this war so please stop blaming them; if you want to blame someone, blame the sides that can’t find a compromise to this situation because there so damn stubborn and mule headed.

When they signed up, they have to abide by the government in the orders placed, and if that means they are ordered to go to war they don’t have a say in it, so stop trashing out our troops and get onto the ones who are causing all this war, pain, injuries and death.
Firstly that would be the other side/bad feed/ then get onto the government and ask them to stop all this killing and work out some form of an agreement.
No wonder god is so mad at everyone, and if you think not, I suggest you stand back and take a good look at the weather patterns we are all having.

If the troops were not overseas do you think you would be able to walk around safely, I think not,
Do you think you could go to work, be with your families, get on the internet, I think not.
I ask you to think of everything that you do, everything that you freely go about your business every day, write it all down and then you will see just exactly what the troops are giving all of you, like I said not some of you but all of you.

So you know what, stop putting them down and I want you to think just how damn lucky you are that YOU can do all of this
They can’t,
I want you to firstly do this, after you have written down all the luxuries you have, I want you to then think to yourself how can you/I help any of the troops, even if it is just one it is better than nothing.
Then I want you to Google it, support the troops, send mail to the troops, think of any words relevant to them, if you have to sign up to the website then DO IT, then ask the site you have chosen or read the site of how YOU can help the troops while they are overseas fighting for YOU,

Get off your lazy butt and do something for them, and if you say why, ask yourself why are YOU FREE and they are over there fighting, and if you say to yourself oh I will do it soon or I will do it later, or even I don’t have the time, I am too busy, STOP right there because you and I both know you won’t do it.
So don’t put off today what you think you will do tomorrow, because we know you won’t do it.
So I ask you to prove me wrong but I want you to tell me all about it, what you did, how you did it but also what you achieved from doing this kind gesture to a trooper.

Are you Googling yet, its easy, hmm maybe I will add the links I found, then the rest is up to you.

Hhmm maybe the troops should say, they don’t have the time to fight for all of you disrespectful and ungrateful people.
Maybe they can say to you, oh I’m too tired and busy to bother about you, but hey news flash, they don’t.
They are in there fighting for all of you.
If I am too blunt and straight forward oh well someone needs to say it to all of you, you all need a good kick up the butt and be told to wake up to yourself.

I am sorry but as one of the many that do truly care, I am very strong in my thoughts of the troops and the situation there in and how and why they got in there in the first place, I am sorry if I have hurt your feelings, but I do care about people, that is me, if there is one thing I have learnt and that is speak up.

I know of some people that do actually do something and to them I give them a big thank you ever so much for giving just a little of your time for the troops.
The troops need to know that you care about what they are doing for you, that you do appreciate what they do. Remember they are giving up there lives to keep you safe, they are dying for you.

I have a few troops’ nic names on my Paltalk list and I had spoken to them for some time way back on the 14th January 2007, I made a promise to this young man and I am going to keep it, well I am doing it right now.
I am speaking out on behalf of all the troops,
I was talking to this trooper about the Christmas concert we all did for the troops way back in 2006, I gave the trooper the website link etc so he may be able to go and listen to the recordings from the concert.
But to also read the comments in the guestbook.

Well from our conversation you will see, I removed the troopers’ nic for safety reasons.
I am going to show you some of the quoted text from our conversation,
Please read what this trooper had said and I want you all to have a good think about it.

TROOPER>and I'm sorry but I didn't hear your concert I was probably out on patrol like I do for days at a time
Heart_Of_Hush: is there anyway I can post a cd to all of you
Heart_Of_Hush: with the recordings on
TROOPER>no ma'am, I'm sorry, I can't give out our location
Heart_Of_Hush: thats ok
Heart_Of_Hush: is there a mailing address
Heart_Of_Hush: a safe one for you all
Heart_Of_Hush: if i give you my email would you be able to let me know of items that can help you all
TROOPER>Ma’am I appreciate your offer but I have everything I need thank you anyway
Heart_Of_Hush: oh ok then
TROOPER>We get care packages on a regular basis cause of where we are ...
Heart_Of_Hush: ok
TROOPER> that's great that ya did a concert for all of us
Heart_Of_Hush: your welcome..i do hope the troops were you are, heard it
TROOPER> I'm not in a major camp ma'am, we don’t' have any radio or TV or anything way up where we are... but I'm sure they heard it at the main camp
Heart_Of_Hush: ok..i am sorry to hear that
Heart_Of_Hush: i wish i knew of a way to help you all up there
TROOPER>I'm about 200 km away from any sort of communications other than my laptop here
Heart_Of_Hush: ok
Heart_Of_Hush: thank you
TROOPER> we aren't allowed on our laptops that often
Heart_Of_Hush: ok
TROOPER> would you like the canadian military site for writing to the troops and making donations?
TROOPER> care pkgs and stuff?
Heart_Of_Hush: thankyou
Heart_Of_Hush: i know many that want to help if they can
TROOPER> we read the message boards all the time ma'am
Heart_Of_Hush: oh ok good
Heart_Of_Hush: i have friends who live in canada i will let them know too
TROOPER> thank you ma'am *S*
Heart_Of_Hush: your welcome
TROOPER> I'm sure there's others, but that's the one we here look at every day for new messages *S*
Heart_Of_Hush: do you ok good
Heart_Of_Hush: i found many sites and i really had no idea which of all the troops sites were real
TROOPER> that site I gave you ma'am is the official canadian military site
Heart_Of_Hush: ok ty
TROOPER> it'll tell you what you can do and how to go about doin it
Heart_Of_Hush: ok ty
TROOPER> and... thank you for your support
TROOPER> we appreciate it
TROOPER> means a lot
Heart_Of_Hush: your welcome
Heart_Of_Hush: if i can help you any i will
TROOPER> keep tellin people I'd rather be here fighting than have it in my own back yard at home
Heart_Of_Hush: yes i know
Heart_Of_Hush: i dont think anyone wants it in there back yard so to speak
TROOPER> and I pray we all come home but not until we're done
Heart_Of_Hush: well i have been praying that this all ends soon and yes you come home safe to your families
TROOPER> can you picture any of us without 80% of our heat, or fuel to run our cars? or ... bein without homes and food because someone bombed it? the US and Canada nor the brits or anyone else could handle it
TROOPER> better we settle this all here where it's at
Heart_Of_Hush: yes i agree
TROOPER> back home, there'd be alot more people dead than what we're losin over here... it makes me angry when people say we shouldn't be here
TROOPER> we NEED to be here
Heart_Of_Hush: yes i know you need to be there
TROOPER> there's a lot of people who don't think so
Heart_Of_Hush: is there any where else you can oil from
Heart_Of_Hush: well why dont you write your thoughts down
TROOPER> ma'am, we all think the same thing here
Heart_Of_Hush: i will gladly add it to a webpage
Heart_Of_Hush: but keep your names off the writings
TROOPER> it's been written down lots of places.. nobody listens
Heart_Of_Hush: yea i get that too
Heart_Of_Hush: no one listens
TROOPER> they ignore it cause it doesn't affect them... so they think
Heart_Of_Hush: well send something to me and i will see what i can do about haveing it heard for you
TROOPER> you can quote what I've already typed if you like
Heart_Of_Hush: ok ty

So you see what this trooper had to say about it all,
He doesn’t have all the services like radio and TV, he doesn’t have the luxuries like the rest of us
All I am asking is if you can find it in your heart to help them just a little, maybe make their time overseas a little bit more comfortable.

Here is another conversation I had with another trooper the same night
Of course I removed the name


Heart_Of_Hush: is there anyway I can post a cd to all of you with the recordings on
Heart_Of_Hush: ok ty
2nd TROOPER>> not where I'm at
Heart_Of_Hush: ok
2nd TROOPER>> tell you another way also to get a list & get things sent
2nd TROOPER>> check with your local VFW or American Legion.....
2nd TROOPER>> a lot of them have lists of what soldiers need & ways to get it to them other than civie mail
Heart_Of_Hush: I have visited many sites and you know i have no idea if they are real or not
2nd TROOPER>> do you have a VFW or American Legion post close to where you live?
2nd TROOPER>> that's what I was talking about
Heart_Of_Hush: I am in Australia
2nd TROOPER>> oooooh
Heart_Of_Hush: is ok
Heart_Of_Hush: I had some people that wanted to help but they didn’t look where i did
2nd TROOPER>> I'm looking for a site that I know is a bonafided adopt a soldier type site
Heart_Of_Hush: i do understand the security
Heart_Of_Hush: ok ty
Heart_Of_Hush: that would help me a lot
2nd TROOPER>> I know that one is a true site
Heart_Of_Hush: ok ty
2nd TROOPER>> yw
Heart_Of_Hush: I saw that one
2nd TROOPER>> ok
Heart_Of_Hush: I visited many of them and i got myself totally confused
2nd TROOPER>> my last tour....... I saw packages come in from that group.... their address labels & stuff have Soldier's Angel on it
Heart_Of_Hush: ok good
Heart_Of_Hush: well now i will tell people
2nd TROOPER>> they're all non-profit from what I've seen too
Heart_Of_Hush: yes
Heart_Of_Hush: how many are with you
2nd TROOPER>> I just redeployed.... got here yesterday....... there's probably 200 or so
Heart_Of_Hush: really
Heart_Of_Hush: wowwwww
Heart_Of_Hush: i do wish all this would stop for you and everyone else
2nd TROOPER>> this is really a small group in comparison to other places I've been
Heart_Of_Hush: oh ok
Heart_Of_Hush: i was reading on a site that showed how many was in the particular section
2nd TROOPER>> the internet is cool....... good info if you know where to look
Heart_Of_Hush: yes it is
Heart_Of_Hush: i found ways to send messages
2nd TROOPER>> yeah there's a few sites like that
Heart_Of_Hush: yes i found them to be good
2nd TROOPER>> that's cool ?
Heart_Of_Hush: yes i just put the link in my away message beside my nic and one person read the page and signed the guestbook
2nd TROOPER>> here's a site that has general "message to soldiers" & a lot of good info
Heart_Of_Hush: ok ty
2nd TROOPER>> and it covers all branches
Heart_Of_Hush: ok ty

How easy is the task to pay it forward, giving of an act of kindness, good deed for what these troops all do for us.
So please, I ask all of you to stand beside the troops and help them in any way you can, don’t put it off
Do it today, tonight…do it right now.
Help the troops; write a letter even, how hard is that.
Anyways I have flapped my gums enough here you get the idea, well
At least I hope you have,
I have recordings to edit and upload from the recent troop’s concert for the 2007 4th of July Concert for the Troops..
Oh btw….send this message out to everyone you know,
Radio stations, newspapers, news TV, your emails, add it to support the troop’s websites,
Add to your blog, message board, website, and journal; let’s get the word out people.

We need to get the word out to stop all this fighting and more communication between the governments to be able to bring home our troops.
If you want this fighting to stop, if you want this war to stop,
Then do something about it, and please don’t think what can I do, you can voice your words, speak up in support, of the war to be stopped and these stubborn, hard headed governments stop playing with peoples lives and come to some form of an agreement.

How hard can that really be, I guess it is hard for them because we are still at war.
Hhmmmmm thinking.
I had this thought to go look on a karaoke program called singsnap.

It was approx 10-45am here when I found this recording by a special person,
I had no idea it was even here, seems all my above writing was meant to be and the messenger had a reason for waking me up and most of all sending me the message
Seems I was in the right place at the right time to find the following recording.
Thank you everyone for taking the time to read what I had to write and also now to listen to the recording.
They fit well together, like a glove.
God Bless and be safe
Heart Of Hush


©Copyright 2007 Mrs. L Peters aka Heart Of Hush All Rights Reserved