Sunday, 31 August 2008

List Of Things I Want To Do Before I Die

List Of Things I Want To Do Before I Die

This idea came from watching the following video clip on youtube last night.

I sat and cried again as i watched and listened to this video clip but many of them.
It saddens me that this world we now live in just so cruel and nasty.
The reason i wish i wasn't here, i feel like i am an old soul and this soul is just not coping with the evil works,bad feeds.
But god has other plans for me right now, so i guess i am stuck here.

The devil,Satan,evil is having a ball at the expense of the human race of good people, if only they (people of today's society) realised they are doing his evil bidding for him, his dirty work by their bad thoughts/bad feeds.

This is what I mean by Good Feeds/Bad Feeds

One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people.
He said, "My son, the battle is between 2 "wolves" inside us all.

One is Evil. BAD FEED
It is Anger, Envy, Jealousy, Sorrow, Regret, Greed<<, Arrogance, Self-Pity, Guilt, BRAG/BOAST, Resentment, Inferiority, Lies, Thieves, False Pride, Dishonorable<<,Disloyalty<<,Superiority, Addictions, Bullies, All Forms of Abuse and Ego.

The other is Good. GOOD FEED
It is Joy, Peace, Love, Hope, Serenity, Humility, Kindness, Benevolence, Empathy, Generosity, Truth, Loyalty ,Respect, Compassion, Acts Of Kindness, Pay It Forward, Good Deeds, Honorable and Faith."

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather:
"Which wolf wins?"

The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."

The thoughts you think and act on.

Take a look at this video if you want to, that is.

I will keep adding to this list until it is done.

The things I want to do before I die.

I want to fix all the websites up that i made for people from around the world, yes even the bad feeds who caused me so much grief,hurt,pain and illness.

And yes I know they don't care or can even be bothered to have the website I made for them in all, or any of their profiles, however it just proves to me they used me like i was told and they are not really nice people in the long run.
I guess they didnt appreciate the time and patience it takes to do what i did.
However I am not like them, i made all the websites with love from my heart and soul.

God gave me 7 kittens and there must be a reason for that, I want to have built the cat enclosure from my designs.
I want to have built the cat window cages for them to sit on the outside window sill to enjoy the sun and watch the birds and bees, the flowers and the trees,hey thats a song lol.

Song Code form MyspaceHun

Dean Martin Lyrics
The Birds and the Bees Lyrics

I also want to achieve to have them all microchipped,vaccinated and desexed so i don't end up with more kittens that i can't give up.
I guess there is a reason for 7 kittens, maybe i have 7 lessons to learn or i have 7 things to do for god,only he knows this because he gave me the kittens.


God has asked me to make the website known as
Open Your Heart and Donate Your Talent for Charity World Wide.

He also wants me to try and encourage people to do as the name sake says, so i have to notify all the charities world wide and hopefully people will participate with their chosen talent.
Its kinda of like if "I make it they will come", yea i know the words are from a movie, but i don't know how else to explain it.

So I have come to realise that all i need to do is make it,
Invite all the charities and the talent to participate with this site,
if any of them choose NOT to join, that's their choice,but at least I will have done what god has asked of me.


I have been doing a lot of writing, I am going to make 5,maybe 6 folders, The folders are for my step sister Pat, My step brother Ken, My other half brother Ray, My sister Inlaw of Ray, Michelle, My son Bradley and lastly My son Mitchell.

They are to go to my family who has nothing to do with me, they choose not to associate with me because I am different, and because i don't do as they TELL me to do,that's their choice and as I had been told it is their loss.

My writings will show them just who i am, and what they missed out, too late though because when they get the folders, i will be dead and buried.
I guess in a way I am writing my journal of my life experiences.
Gee they may get to know me if they read it, if I have the courage I may record it so they can hear me.

I want to write all the things that I feel that makes A Real TRUE Friend.
I want to write about everyone who i have crossed paths with.
Right now my only REAL TRUE friend is GOD.

God has given me many many gifts to use to do as he has requested of me.
One of those gifts is to help artists to get some exposure, but most importantly to give them the feel of what it could be like as a famous singer, all the lights and glitter that goes with it.
That is why the websites were being made as well.
It is also why god gave a special lady named Crazyfeet40 the inspiration the words to share with me which became my slogan or logo.
Heart Of Hush Reaches Out To The WHOLE World.

That is exactly what I have been doing and I only completely realised this when i made the website known as
"Open Your Heart and Donate Your Talent for Charity World Wide".
That is when i truly understood the meaning of it all, because i was actually doing as the vision was told.

I want to find something else that i can be of benefit to this life I live,until god decides i have to go.
Paltalk users are cruel,vicious liars and deceitful,I was once told by grannlin who is a person who use to be on the program that approx 99% of people are fakes,live double and triple lives, there wanna be's and wont achieve anything, i was also told by another who is not on paltalk anymore that when your on the program that you have to be ready to be on there as if your living in the streets, like you need to be street wise and i am now just starting to understand what they mean now.

The people on there just dont really care, i am starting to think there not people,because good real people care, thats what i was told recently, people who treat me like they have, there not people, real good people actually care.

I am hoping this tumor that was caused by the bad feeds/people, in my life will go away before i die, i want to be able to live some form of lifeefi