This is my writings,my reflections,my observations and most of all true real life experiences with complete honesty in what i will be writing.
My life experiences in the real world, my life experience on the internet in a chat room world as we now have in todays society.
My achievements & accomplishments,My dreams,hopes,wishes,needs,wants,& prayers.
The Red Back Spider and the Humble Garden Lizard.
The Red Back Spider and the Humble Garden Lizard.
Friday, 21 December 2012 8:38 AM
I have been meaning to write this story for a few weeks now, but beca...
RIP Cuddles 31st May 2012 approx time 7pm
RIP Cuddles 31st May 2012 approx time 7pm
Date I started writing this post
Friday the 1st of June 2012.
RIP Cuddles 31st May 2012 approx time 7pm
He was ...
Found A New Kitten
It is the 10th Of June 2008
I found a grey kitten today.
I weighed it and it was 500 grams.
Very skinny, all bones.
I think it has persian in...
clipped from
*Start out by roasting garlic in the microwave, squeezing the pulpout and
clipped from
*Start out by roasting garlic in the microwave, squeezing the pulpout and
Valentines Day-Dedicate To Your Sweetheart Day 2
The Below Images were take from the
Valentines Day-Dedicate To Your Sweetheart Day 2
Thank you so very much for taking the time to read these posts. Note: ...
Ozzie's Favourites
Ozzie recorded these files on the following date
Dec 13, 2006 at 5:24 PM
Song Title
September Morn
Click Play to listen while you read
Diamond Unforgettable
Unforgettable, thats what you are
Unforgettable though near or far
Like a song of love that clings to me
How the thought of you does...
Please Read The Following Text To Assist You In Navigating Around This Blog/Journal
Hi and Thank You for dropping by.
First of all if you click on the song title in one of the mp3 players you will see that it activates the mp3 player and you will hear the selected song play.
If you don't want to hear the song that is currently playing anymore just select pause and it will stop.
Click the next song title if you wish to play.
Thank you to SnapDrive for providing the MP3 Player. If you take a look down(scroll down) you will see there is a set of dates in order. There you can read more of what i have been writing. However there is a listings with all the titles and labels for you to read as well. Just scroll down and you will see it. Also within each posting there includes label of topics for your interest.
There is not much to say about me, I am female, 52 years of age, live alone with my 3 dogs, 7 cats.
I love to write, and make websites when my heart is there for them, I have been told god gave me many gifts and to use them freely.
I love to promote and organise online concerts for talented artists.
I try to do gardening whenever I can.
I do craft things, sewing, I use to sing however now i only do it when i can medically.
As you will see I love my pets, I love to listen to the wonderful artists I have crossed paths with. I wish for them to have any of their dreams come true.