Wednesday, 25 April 2007

Actions Speaks Louder Than Words

Tuesday, April 24, 2007
I was here today cooking my sons lunch and for some reason all the following text came to thought,
So I have put pen to paper so to speak and this is what came of my thoughts,
I call them messages, or needed to be known or needed to be said information.
I guess my guardians are helping me help others once again.

Actions Speaks Louder Than Words
Your actions are a reflection of your upbringing...
Of how you have been conditioned by your parents/family/relatives that had an impact in your life.
It is how you have been taught and sometimes how we are taught is not the right way
The ones that had some form of influence in your life you are copying.
If your actions are not of a good intentions and you’re acting out as your peers then stop hurting or inflicting pain to others.
Please don’t say that is how you were raised, because that is just an excuse, it is an escape to make it easier for you.
I had a difficult upbringing but I did not copy or repeat the same ways.
I have and had choices and I chose not to repeat my childhood family life.
It’s your choice and your right not to mimic or copy any bad upbringing or conditioning.
This is 2007 society not our parent’s era and we have to adjust or get with it as I had been made aware of.
A lot of good old ways of living I still love and yes I repeat it and yes I get degraded for doing it but its all good not the bad stuff you don’t need to repeat it.
I guess my point is if your upbringing was of bad feed to others, the bad feed always will come back at you
I heard this quote the other day
If you need to lie about something then it’s not worth getting.

I also was told some thing of importance in my life, you see someone had hurt me bad and I really didn’t believe that they will be punished for the pain they had caused me and others like me.
It was a special lady named Tammy and she told me god does punish those who hurt the innocent, I asked how, she said that all the bad feeds or bad intentions inflicted by others to hurt you and others do get punished and it comes in any of the following ways, sickness, pain, death it may not even be at you it could be on your children, your siblings, any one or more of your family, your friends.
So the saying is absolutely correct
Your actions do speak louder than words
If you care about anyone in your life don’t feed the bad ways
I also was listening to Judge Judy recently and I actually heard her saying the exact same details, so please don’t hurt others there really is no need for it.

Please read the following text that came to me from an email a few years back now

One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people.
He said, "My son, the battle is between 2 "wolves" inside us all.

One is Evil.
It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.

The other is Good.
It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith."

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather:
"Which wolf wins?"

The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."

Lastly find some courage and don’t repeat the bad feeds, you really do hurt others and not to mention me,
Hey if I can do it you can,
All through my life I have always tried to be me, a good person of good intentions.
I wont be changing too soon either, its in my blood
But I have and had good influence, my wonderful guardians that have guided me to do good feeds all my life.
I guess because I listen to them but they are the ones who ask me to do what I have done and what I have achieved.
I think now your wondering who my guardians are
I quite often get my messages in my dreams, by visions, in my rest time, even when I touch water whether it be from washing up in the kitchen, doing laundry, gardening, or even showering I am sent inspirations or information of what I need to do.
The following guardians have been with me all my life and have guided me to do good deeds to others and I love who I am, I am happy to be who I am to give others what I can from me and from within my heart and soul.
Well I don’t label them but to give you an idea who my guardians are
Guardian Angels, Native American Ancestors, God.
I also put good intentions to the universe and from that I am successful sometimes, well most times.
It must be my destiny to achieve what I have.
I believe in destiny along with I believe in what you do for the good of the people who you do this for.
I think I had better stop typing otherwise I will be here forever but until soon
God bless, hugsssssssss Heart Of Hush aka Lu

Sunday, 15 April 2007

Heart Of Hush Reaches out to the world

I have a story to write
This story is about a lady that i know from USA, Who came up with the idea of the image you see here enclosed,
Mitchell my son did the actual design.
The lady that came up with the idea,Her Nic name on paltalk /
yahoo is Crazyfeet40, her name is Rena.
Rena and myself were talking on the phone one day and she had told me of an idea of an image that she had come up with, for me.
She asked me if i could ask my son Mitchell to create this image she envisioned.
I asked her to write everything down for example the details of the image and this is what she had told me.
All credit goes to Rena and also my son Mitchell,

Quoted By Rena
Crazyfeet46 (9/7/2006 9:55:53 AM): here this is what I have written: Crazyfeet40 Crazyfeet46 (9/7/2006 9:56:15 AM): Lu, A couple of weeks ago we discussed a graphic that you were going to get Mitchell to design for you.
Here were my thoughts:
Inside a large square box
1. To the left: a picture of you
2. In the middle: a picture of YOUR hand
3. On the right: a picture of the WORLD
4. Just inside the bottom of the box it would say:
Heart_Of_Hush reaching out to the WHOLE WORLD I think this would be lovely.
And it would fit you Lucy Lu to a “T”.
Please let me know what you think and if Mitchell can do it.
God bless you and yours,
Sincerely in Christ, Rena Crazyfeet40 Crazyfeet46 (9/7/2006 9:56:34 AM)

That was the information that Rena sent to me
If your wondering why Rena calls me Lucy Lu, its after one of charlie angels, I guess I am just a tad like her.
As you can see the image is not exactly the same as her idea but we did try adding a hand reaching out to the world but it didn't look right so we did the image as you see above.
Rena came up with the idea of this image for me and my son Mitchell is the creator so as i had said before all credit goes to both of them for a wonderful creative image.
Rena also came up with my room name title on paltalk which is
Heart Of Hush and Her Featured Performers InConcert.

I thank both Rena and my son Mitchell for the creative image they both made for me.

The idea of the image is copywritten to Crazyfeet40 aka Rena ©Copyright 2006. All Rights Reserved.
The actual graphic design is copywritten to Mitchell Peters ©Copyright 15th April 2007. All Rights reserved.

©Copyright 2007 Mrs. L Peters aka Heart Of Hush All Rights Reserved

Sunday, 8 April 2007

SnapDrive FREE Online Files & Storage Hosting

I am writing this page to let everyone know just how valuable and helpful has been for me and maybe can help you in the same or similar way.

You see I make many FREE websites for so many people and I use to produce/create online concert performances for almost every single one of them.
I have recently done memorial rooms for loved ones and I have done the 2006 Online Troops Tribute Christmas Concert.

I record there wonderful performances along with saving the room text and images. has helped me in the way of storing the artists recordings on there site so that then I can make a streaming mp3 player to add to the website for others to listen to if they happened to miss the concert.

Or in the case of the memorial the recordings, text, images are safely uploaded to for friends or and loved ones to come back at a later time to listen to the memorial and for visitors to listen as well.

The same applies for the 2006 Online Christmas Concert Tribute for the Troops, you see many troopers were out in the field and were unable to hear the tribute that was dedicated to them by so many Friends, Family and Visitors to the room that was created.
With website all the troops, friends & family, guests can come back to listen to the dedications, tributes, singing at a later time.

Oh by the way, recommends a great site to streaming mp3 players from there site, take a look, what have you got to loose, more likely you will gain by visiting there site. also has made it so much easier for me to add the text and doc files as those formats are allowed along with many other formats.
I also added the room images I took from the concert of guests and added them to has made it possible to share all the files mentioned above so much easier for me and the people I make the websites for.
I have also recommended many others to sign up for so they can personally add these new files or recordings. stores all your files for FREE
You can register as I did but you don’t have to register to upload your files.
However take a look at what they have to offer you and also how you can have extra storage space.

I took a peak at the file extensions while I was writing this,
“Quoted from the website”. accepts the following files and here they are
Maximum file size: 100 MB
Allowed file types (?): jpg, jpeg, png, gif, bmp, txt, mp3, mp4, wav, wma, wmv, rar, zip, tar.gz, swf, xml, xspf, flv, m3u, asf, 7z, rm, esp, avim, flac, ogg, bsp, res, mdl, spr, wad, tga, xls, doc, ods, odt, pdf, tsk, fla, as, avi, izh, m4a, acc, mkv, jp2, j2k, ani, dvr-ms, ppt, mpg “
As you can see do accept most file formats?
I will be adding videos on my site soon as supports video files as well
So Please go stop by and take a read of website, Like I said before, what have you got to loose.

©Copyright 2007 Mrs. L Peters aka Heart Of Hush All Rights Reserved

Saturday, 7 April 2007

Jenny's 2007 Easter

Happy Easter to all who reads this.

I recieved a wonderful easter card from a good friend that doesn't forget.
I also sent her one back as well.

But it is wonderful to be remembered and thought about, so i wanted to a add this special memory of my good friend Jenny who never forget.

We have been friends for a while now and she never forgets others.

Jennys card came at a time when i needed to focus and smile,that I did.
So to my wonderful friend Jenny, thank you ever so much.
Oh by The way she has a nic known as Starrgazer36 or Mrs Loungesinger.
Hugsssssssssss To you Jenny
Love from Lu
aka Heart Of Hush