Sunday, 25 March 2007

My Wheelchair Dream

My Wheel Chair Dream
I am writing here today as I remembered about a dream I had a few years back.
Exactly how long ago I am not so sure, maybe 5-7 years ago…I don’t really remember.
All I do remember is that I saw myself in a wheel chair and 10 years was in my dream.
I can now only assume because of the pains in my legs, back and hip it could come true.
I do try to walk as much as I can;
I do try to be active as much as I can, I really don’t want the dream to come true.
But if it does then so be it.
I use to be a constant walker everywhere, now it is difficult to walk anywhere.
It wasn’t so long ago that I could walk >40 kilometer = 24.854 847 689 miles a week with no worries.
Maybe all of this was caused by the fall I had back in February of 2004.

©Copyright 2007 Heart Of Hush All Rights Reserved

Look Over There to the right side,scroll down, if you want to read more of what i have written under the heading of "List Of My Writings">>>>>

Would you please sign my new guestbook and thank you.

Friday, 23 March 2007

Billy Thorpes Tribute Memorial Service Reflections

Hello and Welcome to Reflections.
It is Wednesday morning 28th February 2007 at approx 7 am here in Sydney Australia.

I had set my alarm to wake my son Mitchell to get him up for TAFE.I did my normal and took my dogs outside for the bathroom, put the jug on to make my morning coffee and then I turned on the TV to our morning news and what I saw and heard I thought I was hearing and seeing things.

I heard of the passing of the music legend Billy Thorpe who had passed away at about 2-30am from a heart attack.

I looked up many TV News and Billy Thorpe websites to find out about his passing in the hope to find as much information as I could; I was also keeping a vigil on the news and websites to keep up to date.

I was shocked as I knew many others were to hear of his untimely death.That night I had this inspiration as I normally do when something is needed to be done to make a room on Paltalk as a tribute/memorial to him.

Also while I had been thinking about it, someone that knows me well mentioned I should do a room for him.

So now I was going to make my room into the tribute room on a chat program called Paltalk for Billy Thorpe.

I thought long and hard about it, as to what I was going to do for the world's greatest legend in the music industry, how I was going to do this; I had to make a website, I had to send emails out to the radio stations and to everyone on my email list, also my Paltalk friends list.

Then I remembered what was told to me last year when I did the 2006 Online Troops Christmas Concert, that before I do a special room again for me to notify the Paltalk administrators and they may consider supporting this special room I was creating.

So first of all I asked a Paltalk support person who in turn asked a Paltalk administrator about the room.My room being Heart Of Hush And Her Featured Performers InConcert on Paltalk is just a normal room which in colour and quality is known as a black room and holds 200 people.

Paltalk gave my room the a bility to be a green room which can hold up to 1000 and have it featured in the Paltalk list. I also had many Paltalk Red Hats(workers of Paltalk).

I was extremely happy and above all most appreciative of Paltalk and there support.

I also asked a long time friend who is a Paltalk tech person (worker of Paltalk) if he would do the honors of being our master of ceremonies for the day/night of the room.

I asked some friends if they could help out in the room for the night.So I set out to make the website, send out my emails and messages.

I also asked many people if they knew of Billy Thorpe and if they had heard the sad news, then to find a shock horror that most of them I asked about Billy Thorpe they had no idea who he was or even that he lived in USA for many many years and was very successful with the sale of records and sellout concerts.

One person said that their mother watched what they listened to, like there was something so wrong with his music and in fact it puts me and many of us down for listening to his music by the comment.

Further comment was made there being of 12 years difference as an excuse, I actually found many people from all ages that loved Billys music, from teens of now a days to mothers/fathers and yes grandparents. I had no idea you had to be a certain age to like music. And his music was good not bad.To me finding excuses are easy for others.

Please read the following information I had found on THE INTERNET.

In 1979 Thorpe signed a US deal with American producer Spencer Proffer and recorded the ambitious science fiction/rock opera concept album Children Of The Future, which achieved Top 20 status in America, selling 500,000 copies. The follow-up album 21st Century Man also gained a US gold record.

In 1979 he release his first American recorded, solo album in the USA entitled "Children Of The Sun". The album shot into the top twenty and career number 4 was well under way. Between 1979 and 1983 he released 3 more albums in the USA which all went top forty and he played to sold out shows in arenas all over the United States. His face appeared on the cover of the leading music magazines of the time, including the prestigious music industry trades Cashbox and Billboard.

Billy Thorpe also did quite a lot of charity work, see enclosed information from THE INTERNET.

"Talent gathers to aid tsunami victims"When Billy Thorpe and the Aztecs played the Myer Music Bowl in 1972, 250,000 people turned up. While he's not expecting those numbers at the bowl for the Melbourne Tsunami Concert later this month, he says it will be just as thrilling to help raise money for victims of Asia's the tsunami disaster.

Thorpe will be re-forming the original "Sunbury era" Aztecs to play alongside Cold Chisel, a re-formed Daddy Cool, Willie Nelson, Taj Mahal, Michael Franti and Spearhead, and Richard Clapton at the benefit on February 27.

The show, running on the second day of the Melbourne International Music Festival and co-presented by The Sunday Age and The Sunday Herald-Sun, is expected to attract about 25,000 people and raise more than $1 million.

He was in fact known world wide as one the greatest legends since Johnny O'keefe.I wonder how many USA people know him now .I truly hope they broaden there knowledge of people we live with in our every day lives.

Paying respect shouldn't be such a hard thing to do even if you don't know the person that passed away, to me being kind is the easiest thing I can do and I do it every day of my life.

Well anywaysI was very nervous as I wasn't sure if we would get a good turn up of people. So I set out to notify as many rooms as possible of this Paltalk supported room and tribute to a great legend the night before and into the next morningIn doing so some rooms helped me by letting there guests know about this special event and sadly many people and rooms called me a liar.

A nasty person (Bay - -) said they never heard of Billy Thorpe's passing on there news so why should she believe me, I did suggest nicely at first to her to go look it up but she more or less called me a liar in the room.

Then when I visited another room all the admins and room guests pretty much called me a liar too saying if Paltalk is really supporting this room then they will tell them.I was shocked and hurt by all these people and I really couldn't understand why they was all being so darn nasty and rude.

Well I hope those nasty ignorant people are now eating there words because you see coincidentally I had the room owner in the room participating with us, sharing with us her music. I do hope she tells them all, that she saw and heard that Paltalk did in fact support/donate the room.

But sissy_31 I want to say "Thank You" for believing in me and my honesty, I truly thank you ever so much.

And also everyone else that did come into the room and enjoy the night/day with us.
We had many guests and visitors come into the room.

456 visitors came through our doors so to speak over the nine(9)hours of it being open.

We had all these people come in to sit and listen even for a short time or longer.Many memories were shared and I am sure many tears along the way, one of our guests made the comment "What a wonderful way to spend a Sunday afternoon" and they were right.

We all enjoyed each others company and learning from each other along the way.Many comments were made of Billys concerts that people had attended.

People listened and took in the moment.Thank you to everyone that forwarded the emails and my many offline text messages about this room.I "Thank You" all ever so much from the bottom of my heart.

As you know the room was pre advertised it would be recorded, with room text and images of our guests would be saved to be added to the website.

Well that has been achieved as scheduled as you will see on the enclosed website.
There is a page titled Tribute-Memorial-Recordings it has 98 files that was recorded from the nine (9) hours we spent in the room.

The text of everyone's comments/memories from the room is on the same page for you to read at your leisure.

All the images that was saved from the room on the day/night is on the following page Tribute-Memorial-Guests.

I will also be sending the CD with recordings, text, images to Billy Thorpe's manager Michael Chugg and family as was mentioned on the website and in the room.I will also be asking them if there is anything they wish to be removed from the website or if I am violating any copyrights.

I have been asked why did Billy Die and why did he have to go now.I am going to try and answer that persons question here.

Well we know most of the reason being he suffered a heart attack, I guess Billy didn't listen to the warnings his body was giving him, and he was a constant worker, who worked his body hard and fast. The concerts, His Charity work, His family, friends, fans.

There is only so much your body can take before it says hey I need a rest but Billy being Billy he didn't listen.

This is gods way of saying Billy its time for you to rest, you have achieved so much in your 60 years of a wonderful and adventurous life time.

You have given the world so much of you, and they have so much to remember of you.

You have done what was needed of you.

You have left something behind just waiting to be released to the world as one of the last achievements you had been successful at doing once again.

Your latest CDThere are reasons that we pass and you need to find out why for yourself, I know why we pass do you.

But its time.

I am hurt to know that the people on Paltalk don't believe in me even after I proved myself with the troop's concert I did with the help of some special people..

I didn't know any of the troops but I still took the time to give them something for Christmas.

Sadly people said to me I don't know (Billy Thorpe) and they didn't even bother.

So this maybe the last room I do, I shouldn't have to prove to people again that I DO and DID speak the truth and yes I know 99% of people in this world and on chat rooms speak with a FALSE tongue, but hey news flash….I DO SPEAK WITH A WHITE TONGUE. And I did speak the truth.

I do have something final to say, while I was writing this page I would take a break from writing, to do my thinking, well I asked some questions and this is what I asked.

How many times do we give people chances when they lie to us?I feel like an idiot and a sucker for punishment because they don't even respect me enough not to lie to me.

Well it was mentioned to me that I needed to stop being a doormat.So I looked it up and what I found was, a website of questions I was to ask myself.So If I seem to you as though I have changed, yes I am changing, I'm not a doormat.

I have many people to say Thank You to for helping with Billy Thorpes Online Tribute Memorial Service.

Paltalk-Donating the special qualities to make my room so successful(Paltalk Administrators- Paltalk Support-Paltalk Tech All workers from Paltalk)

Tron- Master Of Ceremonies

Topaz- Paltalk

Paltalk Admin A

Voiceee Of Angelll-Room Admin

Willie8532-Room Admin

Toosure- Room Admin

29 FAN- Room Admin

And all our 456 guests/Visitors that came through our doors.Room owners for allowing me to advertise this special day/night in there room.

It is good when we can work together and not apart from each other.

I truly hope you all have had a wonderful and most memorable time in the room and you enjoy reading the website.

Not so much this page but the other pages.

Good Luck with everything you do and to the artists believe in yourself as I believe in YOU.

Get off your butts, get out there and let the world hear your wonderful talent that god gave you.

Hugssssssssssssss God BlessHeart Of Hush

How all this writing started

I am going to try and explain exactly why I started writing all these entries.

You see I thought I had friends and I guess I finally got it in my thick head that they were really telling me lies all this time.

I didn't listen to my instincts before these recent incidents, i just shrugged them aside and i thought naaa there not lieing to me.

Well to my shock realisation I had to accept that they were.
I felt so disrespected,dishonored and hurt that these people that call me there friend can't find it in there heart not to lie to me.
I was devasted,then I started to doubt myself so I went to some certain type of rooms to ask for there opinion but without giving complete details.

I actually went into approx 3-4 christian rooms on this particular chat room and i asked the question.

How many times should I/we allow people to lie to our faces,me thinking i was being unreasonable.

One of the answers was 3 times and after that walk away,the people in the room agreed with that comment and it was pretty much unanimous.
It was also mention that i should stop being a doormat and start being a door.

The doormat comment got me wondering exactly what was a doormat and what did it really mean.
So I went to google and I typed in the search bar, being a doormat.
I found many websites pertaining to that subject and I learnt many lessons from that.
Here are some of what I had learnt and I was so amazed at what I found.
This was the first link i read

Stop Being a Doormat!
Calling all pushovers, people-pleasers and know who you are! Enough already! Do you have trouble saying "no"? Life coach Martha Beck is here to cure your "disease to please."

Just Say "No!" Martha says that every woman in the country is socialized to act like a doormat. Learn the steps you need to take to stand up for yourself!

Where do you rank on the doormat scale? Use this checklist to determine if you have the "disease to please"! For Your HealthDr. Nancy Snyderman once suffered from the "disease to please" and explains how it can actually kill you.

Where do you rank on the doormat scale? Use this checklist to determine if you have the "disease to please"!

Martha's "Are You a Doormat?" Checklist
Read the checklist as I did.
I will answer that i felt was me.

Martha has put together a checklist for you to determine where you rank on the "doormat" scale. Do the following statements pertain to you? Answer true or false.

I lie about my feelings if the truth might upset someone.
I want people to sense it when I've hit my limit, without my having to say anything.
I go blank when asked what I want, like, or think. ..........ME
My "to do" list includes things I don't have to do, and things I don't want to do.
I eat, cry, smoke, or drink when I'm angry. .......ME
I sometimes feel quite drained; I explode at my loved ones and then feel terrible about it....ME
I feel panicky about the thought of someone disliking or disapproving of me.>>ME
I feel virtuous when I override my own needs or wishes to please others. >>>Maybe
I feel resentful while doing things for other people.
I complain about other people's needs and demands when they aren't present.

If you answered true to one of these statements, you need to work on that particular action and reaction.
If you answered true to four or more of these statements, you are definitely a "doormat." You need to work on saying "No"! Take Martha's advice.
Looks Like i need to act on what i had been thinking all this time.

Just Say No: Advice from Dr. Martha Beck
Text quoted from the above link,

Dr. Martha Beck says that every woman in the country is socialized to act like a doormat.
It doesn't have to be that way! Martha says that there is a way to learn to say "No," and that even the biggest "doormat" can change her ways.

Here's her advice—a cure for the disease to please.
Find Time for Yourself.
Schedule time away from your job, your partner and your children.
Use this opportunity to tune in to what you want and need.
Don't feel that you're being selfish; you have a responsibility to yourself to take care of your needs.
Buy Time.The next time you're asked to do something, don't answer right away.
Say, "Let me think about it," or "I have to take care of something right now.
I'll call you back and let you know."
This will give you time to evaluate the situation and decide if it's something you truly want to do. Practice Saying "No.
"For many women, saying "No" doesn't come naturally. But practice makes perfect, so start now!
In choosing your responses, remember the K.I.S.S. principle: Keep It Short and Simple.
You can try it in the mirror, or even walk around the house saying it.
Get used to hearing yourself say the word, and then you'll be ready to use it with other people!

The above text, I need to not be so worried about hurting my so called friends feelings and tell them that I know they are lieing to me and I dont need friends who treat me like trash,Real True friends dont lie and hurt you.
I am going to try and not back away from telling it like it is.

For Your HealthDr. Nancy Snyderman once suffered from the "disease to please" and explains how it can actually kill you.

The following text is from the above link.
And most of all this text floored me as this is me to the Tee,

You see because of all the stress caused by these liars,thieves who inflicted so much pain and abuse on me, I had to have 2 surgeries to be diagnosed for the below illnesses and not to mention the many nervous breakdowns I encounted.
See my entires subject Diverticulits and Stomach Tumor

Dr. Nancy Snyderman, medical correspondent for Good Morning America, once suffered from the need to please—until she realized her health was in danger.
Having the courage to say "No" is a commitment to your health and will likely save your life.
It's Bad for Your Body
The emotional build-up of not being able to say "No" increase your stress hormones, such as adrenaline.
Your heart can beat faster than normal.
Your blood pressure will rise and blood vessels narrow, eventually becoming a problematic condition.
Dr. Snyderman says these conditions "increases your risk of heart attack, stroke, cancer—all the things that can put you in an early grave.

"The "Stew and Chew" Theory"In the old days, when we were primal and chased by wild animals, there was a fight or flight syndrome," Dr. Snyderman says. "You stood and fought, or you ran away.
Those stress hormones allowed you to escape danger. We don't do that anymore. We sit at our desks doing very sedentary things, and as we give too much of ourselves, we sit there and we fret and worry.
We reach for potato chips and everything unhealthy. We stew and we chew, and we don't feel good about ourselves." Saying "Yes" to You
If you think you're stressed, take time for your physical self! Go run up and down a few flights of stairs or take a quick walk. Dr. Snyderman says, "It will help release those primal hormones that are always in your body and make you feel better about yourself!"

Evaluate the relationships in your life. Dr. Snyderman asks: Are you at the service of people that are only "takers" and give you nothing back? "One day, you'll wonder why you're all spent, because you have nothing left!"
Make it your responsibility to put yourself first sometimes. "That's not selfish, that's self-preservation," Dr. Snyderman says. "You'll have more to give people when you want to. When you have nothing left for yourself, and you have anger, you'll have that stress."
You see the fact that people can hang up the phone when you need to speak to them about there lies or when your online they block you.
They acuse you of untrue facts without even blinking an eye about hurting you, and if your innocent like has been with me ,they just dont care,that you did speak the truth and the ones that did in actual lie got away with it.
I would love to have all of them face to face just like what is being done in some court systems.
I would tell them exactly how I feel and I mean a good ole aussie tongue lashing as they so deserve and more.

Then i looked at another link

The Doormat Syndrome: Learning About the Correct Use of Power

Please read what i did,

"I want to love your without clutching. Appreciate you without judging. Join you without demanding. Love your without guilt. Criticize you without blaming. And help you without insulting. If I can have the same from you, then we can truly meet each other.'--Virginia Satir
How is it that some people get the worst of every interaction, consistently confuse his or her own best interests with the inters of others? Counselor and therapists in the co-dependency field can certainly recognize the pattern in their clients, (if not in themselves) --the one in which a seemingly well-intentioned person is walked on, dumped on, ripped off--Doormat stuff!

Being a Doormat is never easy. But it can be especially disillusioning to have a working knowledge of co-dependent and addictive relationships, to have read the books and attended the workshops, and still wake up with mud on you face.

Perhaps the Gestalt psychology folks have a point. They say that often it's not enough just to know something. We human beings have to feel something and experience it on a deep, deep level before we are shook up enough to really get the message of change. It is said the longest journey in the world is the twelve-inch journey between your head and your heart!

So here is a fresh outlook on Doormat behavior. The old, Brand X definition of co-dependency was based on the medical model, the disease model and the pathology model. Not so here. My approach is based on the wholeness model developed from the theories of Virginia Satir and Carl Jung. This approach is the mature version for the discriminating viewers who want to feel good about themselves while learning to feel good about themselves.

Perhaps Doormat behavior really signifies a misplaced trust in power in all of its forms--power over the self and others, power of others to help us in some way. There is an ancient South American legend that tells of the time when the gods created the earth. They looked for a place to hide power because they realized it was a possibly dangerous force that might be found and used in a destructive fashion. The gods considered the top of the mountain and the bottom of the sea, but ruled these out because power was too dangerous to hide in one place. So the gods decided to divide the power up and place it in the hearts of men, women and children.
All human beings have a drive for power, it is the essence of survival. Power drives start in infancy and continue though out life. Derived from the Latin, potre--which means to be able--power is morally neutral. Power can be used for good or ill purposes.

Power comes in two basic forms: Coercion, or verbal or physical threat, or Persuasion, which requires acceptance of the person going along with some authority. This acceptance is based on the previous social conditioning of the person being approached with a power demand or request.

Some types of control are adaptive in that they strengthen self worth. Having an internal sense of control results in individuals taking responsibility for the choices they make and what happens to them. According to the latest research, the more control a child is given over everyday life choices, the better. Both career and personal outlooks brighten in later life when the child learns to make decisions, learn from them and correct mistakes. But when childhood power drives are filtered through anxiety and fear, the result is social control and manipulation. This type of control robs people of self esteem.

The primary negative law of power as known by dysfunctional people and governments all over the world is Them that has it, tries to keep it. Remember the childhood game of King or Queen of the Hill? The object was to remain in charge through brute force. We were taught as youngsters that power was dualistic: 'If I have the power, then you don't,' or 'If you have the power, then I won't have any.' Power could not be shared. Putting the power in one person or in one camp creates a type of mind set that fosters anger, tension and competition.

In fact, it is hard to think of a greater waster of human potential for all parties concerned than the domination/submission model. This model has fostered destructive behavior, aggression and violence on the part of those in control. It has encouraged resentment, passive aggressive behavior and rebelliousness on the part of the submissive person who had to learn manipulation in order to survive. This old model has stifled the growth of both victim and victimizer as it precludes trust, affection and true intimacy.

Doormats have generally learned to give their power away or use it in a passive aggressive fashion. It is something they have learned growing up in a 'closed' family system. A closed system is one where energy is spent in trying to keep things from changing. In this kind of home environment, one or more members bent on maintaining the status quo, help keep the power structure off balance. Since communication often promotes change and change and threatens the status quo, closed family systems do things by unspoken agreement. Them that has the power keeps it. This arrangement allows dependence on alcohol, drugs, abuse or out of control sexual needs to flourish.

Closed systems prevent problem solving, personal growth and moving forward. The family motto becomes 'Don't rock the boat.' Individuals who grow up in closed systems do not get their early emotional and psychological needs met and often develop compulsive, dysfunctional behaviors as a result.

One of the most debilitating attitudes emerging from such an environment is a kind of moral masochism, described by psychoanalyst Ester Meneker. Moral masochism is an insufficient separation from the parent due to fear or loss and abandonment. Described this way, moral masochism should be distinguished from sexual masochism which is an unconscious need for punishment. Moral masochism is an adaptive defense mechanism to over come the child's fear of abandonment. Modern day feminists writers describe moral masochism as a dependency issue. It is inevitable in human beings because of the long emotional and physical dependence of the child on the family. Dependency becomes increasing worse in children who have harsh, domineering parents.

Unfortunately, when the child grows up, there are more than enough domineering, intimidating types to play 'parent.' In The Fire From Within, Carlos Castaneda calls people who use adversive control Petty tyrants. Adversive control includes power trips such as yelling, glaring, sighing, blaming and pouting to keep family members under control. A petty tyrant is someone who bullies, torments or otherwise tries to oppress you.

There are some great examples in literature and in the movies of strong people standing up to petty tyrants. Jesus Christ before Pilate, Sir Thomas Moore before King Henry VIII, Joan of Arch before the king of France, and Mr. Roberts before the ship's captain in the movie, Mr. Roberts. In each case, the hero stood firm, calm and collected in the face of persecution.

Castaneda says it is lucky to stumble onto a petty tyrant because you can learn about control, self discipline and self respect in your dealings with him. There is a challenge in dealing with a seemingly impossible person in a position of power. He even recommends that you go out and look for one so that you can practice facing them with discipline and inner strength.

Virginia Satir described the 'Benevolent Dictator' who practices a friendlier, but equally tyrannical form of control. Domineering parents are examples of this type of oppressor. Benevolent dictators want to the be the Dear Abby of the Universe and offer solutions to everyone's problems but their own. They may even be correct in the assessment of how things are and how to correct them.

Benevolent dictators become so caught up in other people's problems that they unconsciously use others to avoid the personal responsibility of looking at their own actions. They can play the role of the expert who gives advice as a coping mechanism to avoid looking at their own unresolved needs for power. They smile and act nice to you, but the bottom line is-- 'You had better do as I say.' They treat others as problems to be solved and people to be controlled. They send a message that you are not grownup enough to figure out your problem on your own and take the consequences. Their bottom line is 'I KNOW WHAT IS BEST FOR YOU AND YOU HAD BETTER DO IT!'

The tactics of a benevolent dictator creates helplessness in people who agree to play their hidden power games. This fits neatly into the Doormat's perceived need to live in perpetual atonement for past, present and future sins. Doormats turn their own personal power over to others. They communicate statements like, 'Whatever you want is okay. It's all right with me. You decide for me. I'll go along with whatever you want.' They ask permission for things that other people just take for granted and go ahead and do. 'Could I have a hamburger?' when ordering food from a waitress is an example of co-dependent talk. Say what you want straight out instead of asking permission when it is appropriate.

Doormats often have an excess of apologizing for small discomforts. Those who are around Doormats often recognize their submissiveness and begin to take control of the situation. It's as if Doormats wear a T-shirt saying 'Available for demeaning!'

Giving in to others is consistent with closed family systems which teach manipulation and submissiveness rather than straight communication. Letting other walk over you is learned in households where adults have used becoming hurt as a technique of discipline and control: 'If you don't do what I say, I'll be hurt and disappointed in you.' Children from such systems learn to keep quiet and be the good kid.' They learn the basic rules of dysfunctional families: 'Don't talk, don't trust and don't feel.' When they transgress these family rules and speak out, they feel guilty. They go through life ruled by the guilt that they have internalized.

In an open system, energy is spent in promoting change, and there is a balance of power. There are checks in place to keep the power from going out of balance. Keeping everything fixed and stable is not as important as the growth and development of all individuals. The open system provides increased energy that transforms itself into something new. Individuals are treated with love, respect and concern. Family members are encouraged to be productive and grow.
The good new is that one can always cash in one's Doormat status in exchange for self-respect. But this requires letting go. If the attachment is to an addicted partner, letting go may mean allowing the other person to hit bottom and seek professional help. Negative energy from abusive relationships must be released in order to allow the power of the other person and to unfold.

The scriptures of all religious traditions tell us that we are to be of a loving and open heart. We are our brothers' keepers, but we can learn to do that in ways that do not cripple them. A keeper in the old sense of the word meant a jailer, custodian or warden. We can truly become our brothers' keeper by keeping their spirit intact. We can give other people the tools they need to help themselves. Of course, it also means releasing one's own over zealous need to heal. And putting the Benevolent Tyrant to rest in ourselves.

When you learn to be primarily accountable to yourself, the stage is set for other people to have more choices. They may choose to accept responsibility and take care of themselves, or they may find someone else to take care of them. Relationships will certainly change and there are no formulas to predict which way they will go. But you can be mindful of your own control issues.
As the ex-Doormat moves from a model of enabling to a model of empowering, great gifts begin to reveal themselves. The greatest gift we can give ourself and others is our own well being. Another gift is to allow the person to be him or herself even with all their shortcomings. A third gift is getting a balance of power in the relationship and learning and using the healthy skills of open systems. When we get a clear understanding of the misuse of power in relationships, we can work to clean up our system.

I hope the above text helps you as it did me.
So now you know why I started this blog, and I guarantee there will be many that turn my words against me.
Thank you for taking the time to read
Take care
Heart Of Hush

Thursday, 22 March 2007

Writing My First Journal

Hello and welcome to my first page of Heart Of Hush's Writings,Reflections,Observations & Real Life Experiences.

This is my writings,my reflections,my observations and most of all true real life experiences with complete honesty in what i will be writing.

My life experiences in the real world, my life experience on the Internet in a chat room world as we now have in today's society.

My achievements & accomplishments, My Dreams, My Hopes, My Wishes, My Needs, My Wants, & My Prayers.

I have read on the Internet that Journal writing is suppose to be good for the heart and soul, it is suppose to help us with our emotions and feelings, letting go of our pain and hurt that is inflicted by uncaring human beings.

So here i sit with the attempt of helping myself to heal.

And maybe what i write will help others.
If I can or do help another then my writing has served its purpose. "Pay It Forward"
My writings are not intended to hurt or inflict on those that have caused me pain.

Yes i am very hurt and saddened by what my suppose to be family and friends did and have done to me in the past.

I will be writing of my happy times and my very unhappy times, but you know something, everything i will be writing is the absolute honest truth from within my heart and soul.

If people don't like what i write then don't read it.
If you don't like it being told how it is then i suggest you better leave.
If you don't someone that tells the truth..well you know
Because if there is one thing i have learnt is that people cant stand the truth.

I found these links that may give you some idea of why I started writing

Please smile and be happy as best you can.
Hugssssssssss Lu aka Heart Of Hush